When should I get a water test?
How is water testing done?
What types of issues could be found, and what do I do?
When should I get a water test?
→ If
you are buying, and the home you are interested in has a well, even when there is already a filtration system installed! A water test will confirm if the water is safe, or if the filtration system is functioning correctly. → If you
own a home and have noticed a strange smell or color from the water, a test could identify the issue. → If
you had a filtration system recently installed, a water test from an independent company like TTBS will confirm if the filtration system is working as intended. How is water testing done?
Our certified inspectors and technicians will perform this service in accordance with lab protocol for the parameters you have requested to be tested.
→ Typically, a sample will be taken from the kitchen sink, since this is where you will wash your dishes, fill up pots for boiling pasta, etc.and therefore ingest water and possible contaminants.
→ The collected sample will be sent to a third-party lab for analysis.
→ All findings are included in a report with photos identifying the issue.
What types of issues could be found, and what do I do?
→ First, go brush your teeth with bottled water…just kidding… maybe. But depending on the findings switching to bottled water until you can get a well service company out to check the filtration.
→ Buyers should always consult with their Realtor® first, regarding their contract terms.
→ Some things that these tests have revealed in the past include bacteria and/or nitrates and nitrites in the water; typically from fertilizers, septic leaks or animal waste contaminating the well supply—and other issues like pH imbalances or hardness issues which can affect the operating efficiency of your appliances.