Electrical Walk-Through New Construction Checklist

Here is a list of items that a home inspector should include on their electrical walk-through checklist for a new construction home.

Electrical panel: Check the electrical panel for proper labeling, installation, and adequate capacity for the home’s electrical needs.

Wiring: Check the wiring for proper installation and any visible damage or issues.

Outlets and switches: Check outlets and switches for proper installation and operation.

GFCI outlets: Check for proper installation and operation of ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) outlets in areas with potential water exposure, such as kitchens, bathrooms, and outdoor spaces.

Smoke detectors: Check for the proper installation and operation of smoke detectors.

Carbon monoxide detectors: Check for the proper installation and operation of carbon monoxide detectors.

Security system: Check for the proper installation and operation of any security system.

Lighting: Check for proper installation and operation of all lighting fixtures.

Appliances: Check for proper installation and operation of any built-in appliances, such as ovens and cooktops.

It’s important to thoroughly inspect the home’s electrical system during the walk-through to ensure it is safe and up to code. If you find any issues or discrepancies, it’s essential to address them before closing.