Monster Free Inspection

What on earth is a Monster Free Inspection?

So, you actually clicked on the link to learn more about these, so that’s a start! Children may be experiencing a lot of apprehension regarding moving—maybe they don’t want to change schools, leave their friends behind, or… maybe they’re afraid that monsters may be lurking around this new house.

Monster Free inspections are Top To Bottom Services’ way of making sure the whole family is involved in the home buying experience. If you have a young child, just let the inspector know to do a “monster free inspection” along with the regular inspection.

Once your home inspection report is complete, the inspector will send a separate email with a printable certificate stating that they looked in closets, behind curtains, etc., and found no monsters!
To add to the authenticity of the certificate—in case you have a kid that questions everything like mine does—the email explains that the inspector submitted his monster inspection to the management team, and they agree and certify his inspection!

How to request this FREE service for your kids!

It’s pretty simple really; if you are scheduling online you can add it to your cart yourself, or if you call in you can simply ask for it to be added. If you already scheduled and didn’t know you could add this, just ask your inspector when you see them!
All jokes aside, our first priority is getting your actual inspection report completed and delivered to you so that you may review it with your real estate agent. To ensure you have enough time to handle the true business at hand, we delay the automatic delivery of the certificate so it won’t send until 1-day after the report is delivered.