Save Your Life With A Home Inspection

Save Your Life With A Home Inspection

Save Your Life With A Home Inspection!

A home inspection is a vital service that can help save your life in the wake of multiple lurking disasters in your home. In a recent interview, Dan Deist, the CEO of a home inspection company based in Gaithersburg—Top To Bottom Services—was aptly quoted stating, “We Save Lives” when asked by the interviewer “what does your company do?” 

We shall find out how much truth there is to his claim today. We will also discuss the importance of this service, its types, and where to get the best one for your home. So what exactly is a home inspection? A home inspection unsurfaces issues in your home helps avoid costly repairs and maintains your home and, in turn, your family’s health.

A home inspection is an important service that pinpoints problems in a house. Still, according to Dan, an inspection can even save your life in the event of a fire or another natural health hazard you simply cannot avoid. A home inspector helps you identify smaller problems such as a leaking water pipe, to potentially life-threatening ones such as home fires or other hazards such as radon. For example, a radon test in Maryland helps you identify and address the issue before it’s too late and impacts your family’s health.

It is of utmost importance to know the air you breathe in your home is safe, and the only accurate way to find out is through a professional radon inspection. A home inspection can help avert disasters, and by now, we know that it’s important to have one for your home. But, if you are still not convinced, listen to what Dan Diest has to say in a recent interview with Gus and Dave from “The Real Improvement Show.” 

“In Montgomery County, one of the hot buttons is radon,” states Dan. What Dan actually means by this is that any home in the county can have deadly radon gas, but unfortunately, a homeowner cannot tell if it exists because this silent killer cannot be detected. Radon gas can cause lung cancer if trapped within buildings and goes unnoticed for a long time. That’s why it’s important to have your home inspected for radon or any other hazard and make sure you are taking care of your health by following recommendations from your home inspection report.

Maryland A State Of Licensed Home Inspectors

Radon is a radioactive gas that is released from the earth. It is the second most common cause of lung cancer, causing an estimated 21,000 deaths in the US each year. Radon is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas emitted from the chemical reaction of uranium. Radon gas rises from rocks and soil as well as water. It enters homes through cracks in the foundation or flooring and utility lines such as air ducts and water pipes.

Radon gas not only causes lung cancer but multiple other respiratory diseases and allergies; it is the second leading cause of lung cancer after smoking cigarettes. Radon is fatal for health if it goes unnoticed in homes because it can cause lung cancer; hence Radon Testing in Maryland, a red radon zone, is imperative. So a life-threatening problem can be averted because of a home inspection!

Is Radon Testing Mandatory in Maryland ? 

Unfortunately, many buyers will discover that radon testing in Maryland is optional—except in one county, where it is mandatory that all for sale homes be tested for radon. 

On October 1st, 2016, a new law in Montgomery County, Maryland, made radon testing mandatory for all homes listed as for sale. After years of research and advocacy, this law was passed under pressure from lung cancer experts. There are many benefits of having a mandatory radon testing law, including saving lives and reducing health care costs for residents.

Dan still feels the law should involve more details in writing because it went through several iterations and isn’t communicated well. He feels sad that there is no law about who can carry out the radon testing; right now, there is a void in clarity, which sellers use to their benefit. “They buy an at home Radon kit from their local hardware store, or online, and do the testing themselves,” says Dan. There is no check as to whether the test is done accurately or not. For this reason and the risks involved, Maryland radon testing should only be done by experts like Top To Bottom Services, who have years of experience and are a National Radon Proficiency Program (NRPP) Certified radon testing laboratory.

Radon Testing Methods

To know why radon testing requires a professional, we will briefly explain the radon testing methods. There are short-term, long term and continuous radon tests available. The problem with DIY radon testing kits (mostly charcoal) is that test results are usually inaccurate compared to professional radon testing. This is because of several factors such as incorrect testing, inexperience, and cheap kits available online and in the market. One of the methods employed is the charcoal canister method which is a short-term method and helps decide if you need another test. Let us delve further into these radon testing methods:

Short-Term Charcoal Canister

This process of testing for radon involves using a passive device called a charcoal canister. The charcoal canister has charcoal that absorbs radon or its products. The device is placed in an area where the high radon concentration is left to absorb radon.

The charcoal liquid scintillation detector (LSCD) works by measuring ionization radiation, which is used to detect radon gas within a space. It uses light particles like photons or electrons to detect radiation, which allows it to work even in low-light conditions. The test takes place in an enclosed area, which must be shielded from outside ventilation sources. In the end, the results are sent back to the client, and they are given accurate radon results.

Alpha Track Detectors

An alpha track detector is an instrument used to detect the presence of alpha particles. It is made out of a plastic film that gets etched by the alpha particles that strike it. Alpha track detectors are used primarily in radon testing. They are generally used as a preliminary step before sending for more sophisticated testing methods. To achieve the alpha track detector radon testing results, lab technicians need to first chemically treat the plastic that makes the tracks visible by exposing it to ultraviolet light before counting them.

Electret Ion Detectors

An ion detector uses a plastic disc charged with static electricity and placed in the area where the gas is suspected. The ion detector then detects any charged particles from the decay of radon gas emitted. For example, the Teflon disc is statically charged, and when an ion generated from radon decay strikes it, the electrical charge is reduced. The charge reduction is measured, and this device calculates the radon level. It can detect radon levels in homes, offices, and other places.

In conclusion, the best hassle-free way to test for radon is by hiring professional radon inspectors Maryland  who know local radon problems in your area and provide accurate radon results. There are fewer risks for inaccuracy with experienced professionals who have been doing this for years than with inexperienced homeowners who don’t know what they are doing. In addition, a few extra dollars spent for professional testing ensures sound health and is a wise investment compared to the thousands you might end up spending if detected with a fatal disease.